How to Maintain Coloured Hair

maintain coloured hair

Coloured hair adds a touch of personality and pizzazz to our look, but maintaining its vibrancy requires some extra care. If you want to keep your coloured hair looking fresh and fabulous, we’ve got you covered. Follow these essential tips and tricks to ensure your locks stay silky, shiny, and mesmerizingly vibrant.

Key Takeaways:

  • Wash your hair less frequently to prevent colour fade and use dry shampoo in between washes.
  • Consider skipping shampoo and go for a conditioner-only wash to maintain softness and nourishment.
  • Choose a shampoo specifically formulated for colour-treated hair to preserve your vibrant shade.
  • Condition regularly to keep your coloured hair healthy, moisturized, and protected.
  • Protect your hair from heat styling tools by using heat protection sprays and minimize heat exposure whenever possible.

Wash Your Hair Less Frequently

When it comes to maintaining your coloured hair, washing it less frequently can make a big difference. The constant washing can cause your colour to fade faster, leaving your locks looking dull and lacklustre. To preserve your vibrant colour, try to wash your hair only two or three times a week.

On the days you don’t wash, using a dry shampoo can be a game-changer. It helps absorb excess oil and refresh your roots, giving your hair a clean and fresh appearance. Dry shampoo is an excellent alternative to traditional washing, as it allows you to extend the time between washes and preserve your colour for longer.

By adopting these simple practices, you can keep your coloured hair looking vibrant and fresh, while also reducing the risk of colour fade. So, give your hair a break and embrace the beauty of washing your hair less frequently.

Skip Straight to Conditioner

If you find it challenging to reduce the frequency of washing your hair, there’s good news: you can skip shampoo altogether and use conditioner only. This conditioner-only wash method, known as “low poo,” can help maintain the softness, shine, and nourishment of your coloured hair without washing away your vibrant hue.

“The low poo method is a game-changer for coloured hair. By skipping shampoo and going straight to conditioner, you can effectively cleanse your hair while preserving its colour and preventing dryness,” says hair expert Lisa Smith.

To incorporate the low poo method into your hair care routine, simply wet your hair, apply conditioner from roots to ends, and massage it into your scalp. Leave the conditioner on for a few minutes to allow it to work its magic, then rinse thoroughly. By eliminating shampoo, you’ll reduce the risk of colour fading and keep your coloured hair looking its best.

Benefits of the Low Poo Method

The low poo method offers several benefits for maintaining your coloured hair:

  • Preserves Softness and Shine: Shampoo can strip away natural oils from your hair, leaving it dry and dull. By using conditioner only, your hair retains its natural moisture, resulting in soft, shiny locks.
  • Reduces Colour Fading: Shampoo can cause colour molecules to wash away, leading to fading. The low poo method prevents this by minimizing the use of harsh cleansing agents, keeping your colour vibrant for longer.
  • Enhances Hair Health: Conditioner contains nourishing ingredients that can boost the overall health of your hair. By using conditioner regularly, you can strengthen and protect your coloured locks.

The low poo method is a gentle alternative to traditional hair washing that helps maintain the vibrancy and health of your coloured hair. Consider incorporating this technique into your routine to achieve softness, shine, and long-lasting colour.

Choose the Right Shampoo

When it comes to maintaining your coloured hair, choosing the right shampoo is crucial. A colour protective shampoo specifically formulated for coloured hair can make a significant difference in preserving your vibrant shade for longer. Look for a shampoo that is low in sulphates, as high sulphate content can strip away the colour and lead to faster fading. By opting for a low sulphate shampoo, you can help preserve the integrity of your colour and ensure it stays vibrant and beautiful.

Not only does a colour protective shampoo help preserve your colour, but it also provides nourishment and hydration to keep your locks looking healthy and shiny. Look for shampoos that are enriched with ingredients like argan oil or shea butter, as they can help restore moisture and add shine to your coloured hair. Additionally, some shampoos contain UV filters that protect your hair from the damaging effects of the sun, helping to prevent colour fading caused by UV exposure.

Benefits of Choosing the Right Shampoo: Recommended Products:
Preserves colour Brand A Colour Protection Shampoo
Restores moisture and shine Brand B Hydrating Shampoo
Contains UV filters Brand C Sun Protection Shampoo

Remember to read the labels, check for reviews, and choose a product that suits your specific hair type and colour. Using a colour protective shampoo is an essential step in your hair care routine to preserve the vibrancy and longevity of your coloured hair. With the right shampoo, you can maintain your stunning colour and enjoy beautiful, vibrant locks every day.

Preserve Colour Hair

Condition, Condition, Condition

To keep your coloured hair looking healthy and vibrant, conditioning is key. Coloured hair can be more fragile and prone to fading, so regular conditioning is essential to maintain its health and vibrancy. A great conditioner with oils, butters, and hydrating elements can help create a protective barrier and prevent your colour from fading. Make conditioning a priority in your hair care routine to keep your coloured hair looking its best.

In addition to regular conditioning, there are other ways you can protect your coloured hair and maintain its vibrancy. Limiting the use of heat styling tools is important, as excessive heat can damage the hair and cause colour to fade faster. When heat styling is necessary, always use a heat protectant spray to minimize damage.

Another way to protect your coloured hair is by using a UV filter finishing spray. UV light from the sun can fade your colour, so it’s important to shield your hair from the sun’s rays. Applying a UV filter finishing spray helps prevent colour fading and keeps your hair looking beautiful.

Remember, caring for coloured hair is about more than just using the right products. It’s also important to nourish your hair from the inside out. A diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin E can help promote healthy, vibrant hair. Consider incorporating foods like oily fish and walnuts into your diet to support the health of your coloured locks.

The Benefits of Conditioning for Coloured Hair

  • Creates a protective barrier
  • Prevents colour fading
  • Keeps hair healthy and vibrant

Additional Tips for Maintaining Coloured Hair

  1. Limit heat styling and always use a heat protectant spray
  2. Use a UV filter finishing spray to protect hair from the sun
  3. Incorporate foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin E into your diet

Use Heat Protection

When it comes to heat styling, protecting your coloured hair is crucial to maintaining its vibrant shade. Heat styling tools can cause damage to your hair, leading to faster colour fade. To minimize this damage and prolong the life of your colour, it’s important to use heat protection sprays.

Heat protection sprays act as a barrier between your hair and the heat from styling tools, reducing the amount of damage caused. While these sprays can’t completely insulate your hair from the heat, they can significantly help in reducing heat damage. Apply the spray evenly throughout your hair before using any heat styling tools, ensuring every strand is protected.

Remember, it’s also essential to minimize your hair’s exposure to heat styling whenever possible. Embracing your natural hair texture or opting for heatless styling techniques can help reduce the need for heat styling, reducing the risk of damage and colour fade.

“Using heat protection sprays can help reduce heat damage and ensure your coloured hair stays vibrant for longer.”

Additionally, incorporating a nourishing hair oil into your routine can provide hydration and further protect your coloured locks. Apply a few drops of hair oil to your hair, focusing on the ends, to keep your hair moisturized and prevent heat damage. The oil will also add a boost of shine to your coloured hair.

By using heat protection sprays and minimizing heat styling, you can reduce the risk of heat damage and help preserve the vibrancy of your coloured hair for longer.

heat protection sprays

Table: A Comparison of Heat Protection Sprays

Name Key Features Price
Brand X Heat Protectant Provides high heat protection, helps prevent colour fade, adds shine $15.99
Brand Y Thermal Shield Offers heat protection up to 450°F, lightweight formula, reduces frizz $12.49
Brand Z Heat Defense Spray Protects against heat damage, nourishes hair, long-lasting hold $18.99
  1. Brand X Heat Protectant: This heat protection spray provides high heat protection, helps prevent colour fade, and adds shine. Available at a price of $15.99.
  2. Brand Y Thermal Shield: Offering heat protection up to 450°F, this lightweight formula reduces frizz and is priced at $12.49.
  3. Brand Z Heat Defense Spray: This spray protects against heat damage, nourishes the hair, and provides a long-lasting hold. It is priced at $18.99.

Make Time for Masks

One of the most effective ways to repair damage and increase shine in coloured hair is by incorporating hair masks into your hair care routine. Hair masks provide deep nourishment, moisture, and repair to your locks, helping to restore their health and vibrancy. By using a mask twice a week for 5-10 minutes, you can give your coloured hair the extra care it needs to look and feel its best.

Hair masks are specifically formulated with intense conditioning ingredients that penetrate the hair shaft and target areas of damage. These masks often contain ingredients like argan oil, shea butter, and keratin, which help to repair damage caused by heat styling, chlorine, and chemical treatments. They also provide essential nutrients, vitamins, and antioxidants that promote overall hair health and shine.

When using a hair mask, start by shampooing your hair as usual. Then, apply the mask generously from roots to ends, ensuring that every strand is coated. Gently massage the mask into your hair and scalp to promote circulation and absorption. Leave the mask on for the recommended time, allowing it to deeply penetrate and nourish your coloured locks. Rinse thoroughly and follow up with your regular conditioner for added hydration.

Incorporating hair masks into your routine is a simple and effective way to revive and maintain the vibrancy of your coloured hair. By repairing damage, increasing shine, and providing essential moisture, hair masks can help you achieve and maintain the healthy, vibrant locks you desire.

The Benefits of Hair Masks:

  • Repair damage caused by heat styling, chlorine, and chemical treatments.
  • Increase shine and restore vibrancy to coloured hair.
  • Provide deep nourishment and moisture to dry, damaged hair.
  • Strengthen and fortify hair strands, reducing breakage and split ends.
  • Improve overall hair health and manageability.

Air Dry Your Hair

Air drying your hair is a simple and effective way to reduce heat damage and preserve moisture in your coloured locks. Excessive heat from blow dryers, straightening irons, and curling tongs can strip away moisture from your hair, leading to dryness and colour fade. By embracing the air drying method, you give your hair a break from heat styling tools and allow it to naturally retain its moisture and shine.

To air dry your hair effectively, start by gently towel drying your hair after washing. Avoid rubbing your hair vigorously with the towel as it can cause frizz and damage. Instead, gently squeeze out the excess water and pat your hair dry. Once your hair is no longer dripping, apply a nourishing hair oil to damp hair to add moisture and shine while minimizing exposure to heat styling tools. This will help lock in moisture and prevent your coloured hair from becoming dry and brittle.

Air drying may take longer than using heat styling tools, but the results are worth it. Not only does air drying reduce heat damage and preserve moisture, but it also helps maintain the vibrancy of your coloured hair. So, give your hair a break from the heat and embrace the natural beauty of air dried hair.

air drying

Benefits of Air Drying Your Hair How to Air Dry Your Hair
  • Reduces heat damage
  • Preserves moisture in coloured hair
  • Helps maintain vibrancy of colour
  • Prevents dryness and brittleness
  • Minimizes frizz and flyaways
  1. After washing your hair, gently towel dry to remove excess water.
  2. Avoid rubbing your hair vigorously with the towel.
  3. Apply a nourishing hair oil to damp hair to add moisture and shine.
  4. Avoid using heat styling tools and let your hair air dry naturally.
  5. Style your hair as desired once it is completely dry.

Protect Your Hair from Sunlight with a UV Filter Finishing Spray

When it comes to maintaining the vibrancy of your coloured hair, protecting it from sunlight is crucial. UV rays can accelerate colour fading and make your hair look dull and lifeless. That’s why it’s important to incorporate a UV filter finishing spray into your hair care routine. This spray acts as a shield against harmful UV rays, preventing them from penetrating your hair shaft and causing damage. By using a UV filter finishing spray, you can enjoy the sunshine without worrying about your colour fading away.

protecting hair from sunlight

UV filter finishing sprays are specifically designed to provide maximum protection against UV rays. They form a protective barrier on your hair, shielding it from the sun’s harmful effects. These sprays also help prevent colour fading, ensuring that your hair stays vibrant and beautiful. Simply spritz the UV filter finishing spray onto your hair before heading out into the sun, and you can be confident that your coloured locks are well-protected.

Using a UV filter finishing spray is easy and convenient. Simply follow the instructions on the product label and apply it to your hair before sun exposure. Make sure to evenly distribute the spray throughout your hair, focusing on the areas that are most exposed to the sun. Reapply the spray as needed, especially after swimming or sweating, to maintain optimal protection.

By incorporating a UV filter finishing spray into your hair care routine, you can enjoy the sun while keeping your coloured hair looking its best. Protecting your hair from sunlight is essential for preventing colour fading and preserving your vibrant shade. Take the necessary steps to shield your hair from UV rays and maintain the beautiful colour you love.

Swim Smart

When it comes to maintaining your coloured hair, it’s important to take extra precautions while swimming. Chlorine in swimming pools can not only change your hair colour but also accelerate colour fade. To protect your locks, it’s essential to swim smart and implement a pre-conditioning routine.

To create a protective barrier against chlorine damage, apply a layer of conditioner to your hair before taking a dip. This pre-conditioning step helps to prevent chlorine from stripping away your colour and keeps your hair looking vibrant. Make sure to secure your hair in a bun or wear a swim cap to further protect it from chlorine exposure.

After swimming, rinse your hair thoroughly with fresh water to remove any residual chlorine. Follow up with a hydrating shampoo and conditioner to restore moisture and keep your coloured hair looking healthy and vibrant. By taking these simple steps, you can enjoy your time in the water while keeping your hair colour intact.

Swim Smart Tips Benefits
Pre-condition your hair Creates a protective barrier against chlorine damage
Secure hair in a bun or wear a swim cap Minimizes chlorine exposure
Rinse hair thoroughly after swimming Removes residual chlorine
Use hydrating shampoo and conditioner Restores moisture and maintains vibrant colour

Remember, swimming is a great form of exercise and relaxation, but it’s important to take steps to protect your coloured hair. By swimming smart and implementing a pre-conditioning routine, you can enjoy the pool while keeping your hair looking its best.

Swimming Pool

Eat Right for Healthy Hair

When it comes to maintaining healthy and vibrant coloured hair, it’s not just about the products we use externally. Our diet plays a crucial role in nourishing our hair from the inside out. By incorporating certain foods into our daily meals, we can support the health of our coloured locks and enhance their natural shine and strength.

One key nutrient that promotes hair health is omega-3 fatty acids. These essential fats can be found in oily fish like salmon and mackerel. Including these fish in our diet helps nourish the hair follicles, reducing dryness and brittleness. Omega-3 fatty acids also support scalp health, which is essential for maintaining vibrant hair colour.

Another nutrient that is beneficial for coloured hair is vitamin E. Foods rich in vitamin E, such as walnuts, can help combat dryness and increase the overall moisture content of the hair. Incorporating walnuts into our diet provides the necessary nourishment to keep our coloured locks looking glossy and vibrant.

The Benefits of Omega-3 Fatty Acids and Vitamin E for Coloured Hair

  • Omega-3 fatty acids promote hair follicle health and reduce dryness.
  • Vitamin E combats dryness and enhances the moisture content of the hair.
  • Both nutrients contribute to the overall strength and shine of coloured hair.

By adopting a diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin E, we can support the health and vibrancy of our coloured hair. These nutrients work from within to nourish the hair follicles, enhance moisture retention, and combat dryness. Remember, healthy hair starts with a nutritious diet.

Foods Rich in Omega-3 Fatty Acids Foods Rich in Vitamin E
Salmon Walnuts
Mackerel Almonds
Sardines Spinach

omega-3 and vitamin E rich foods

Limit Heat Styling and Protect Your Hair

Heat styling tools, such as blow dryers, curling irons, and straighteners, can wreak havoc on coloured hair, causing damage and hastening colour fade. To safeguard your luscious locks, it’s vital to limit the use of heat styling tools whenever possible. By reducing heat damage, you can preserve the vibrancy of your colour and maintain a healthy mane.

When you do need to style your hair with heat, don’t forget to shield it with a heat protectant spray. This protective barrier helps minimize the impact of high temperatures on your strands, preventing them from becoming dry, brittle, and susceptible to colour fading. By incorporating a heat protectant spray into your routine, you can enjoy the benefits of heat styling while keeping your coloured hair looking vibrant and lustrous.

In addition to minimizing heat damage, hydration is key to maintaining the health and vibrancy of your coloured hair. Integrate a nourishing hair oil into your hair care routine to provide essential moisture and hydration. This will help combat dryness and keep your locks looking silky, smooth, and radiant. Apply a small amount of hair oil to the ends of your hair or throughout your strands, focusing on the areas that need extra nourishment.

By reducing heat damage and keeping your hair hydrated, you’re taking proactive steps to maintain your colour and prolong its vibrancy. So, protect your tresses, embrace your beautiful hue, and flaunt your stunning coloured hair with confidence.


How often should I wash my coloured hair?

To maintain your colour, try to wash your hair only two or three times a week.

Can I use dry shampoo to refresh my hair between washes?

Yes, using dry shampoo can absorb oil and refresh your roots, helping to extend the time between washes and preserve your colour.

Is it okay to skip shampoo and use conditioner only?

Yes, the “low poo” method of skipping shampoo and using conditioner only can help maintain softness, shine, and nourishment without washing away your colour.

What kind of shampoo should I use for coloured hair?

It’s important to choose a shampoo specifically formulated to protect colour-treated hair. Look for a colour protective shampoo that is low in sulphates to help preserve your colour.

How often should I condition my coloured hair?

Coloured hair can become more fragile and prone to fading, so it’s important to condition regularly. Make conditioning a priority in your hair care routine to keep your coloured hair looking healthy and vibrant.

How can I protect my coloured hair from heat styling tools?

To protect your hair from heat damage, use heat protection sprays before styling and minimize your hair’s exposure to heat styling whenever possible.

How often should I use hair masks for coloured hair?

Incorporating hair masks into your routine twice a week for 5-10 minutes can help restore moisture, repair damage, and increase shine, which is especially important for maintaining coloured hair.

Are there any alternatives to heat styling tools for coloured hair?

Yes, air drying your hair whenever possible can minimize heat damage. Apply a nourishing hair oil to damp hair to add moisture and shine without using heat styling tools.

How can I protect my coloured hair from UV light?

Use a UV filter finishing spray to protect your hair from the sun’s rays and prevent colour fading. Make this a part of your daily routine to keep your coloured hair looking beautiful.

How can I prevent chlorine from damaging my coloured hair?

Before swimming, apply a layer of conditioner to your hair and secure it in a bun to create a protective barrier against chlorine damage.

Is there a specific diet that can help maintain healthy coloured hair?

A diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids found in oily fish like salmon and mackerel, as well as foods like walnuts rich in vitamin E, can nourish your hair and make it shiny and strong.

What kind of hair care products should I use for coloured hair?

It’s essential to use high-quality hair care products specifically designed for coloured hair. Look for products that restore dull colour, add shine, and protect your hair from damage.

How can I limit heat styling and protect my coloured hair?

To protect your hair, limit the use of heat styling tools, always use a heat protectant spray before styling, and incorporate a hair oil into your routine to hydrate and nourish your coloured locks.

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